For Non-Teaching Staffs

SL.No For Non-Teaching Staffs
1 Admit Card available for download for the post of Junior Accountant
2 Advertisement for Swimming Instructor (female only) and Water Polo Instructor
3 Corrigendum regarding syllabus of written examination for the post of Junior Accountant
4 Syllabus for written examination for the post of Junior Accountant
5 Advertisement for Part-Time Medical Consultant
6 Final list of shortlisted and not shortlisted candidates for the post of Junior Accountant
7 Advertisement for the post of Registrar
8 Advertisement for Part-Time Gym Instructor
9 Advertisement for the position of Associate Project Engineer
10 Recruitment Notice for various Non-Teaching Posts
11 Advertisement for Part-Time Sports Instructor on purely temporary basis
12 List of candidates shortlisted/provisionally shortlisted/not shortlisted for the post of Junior Accountant against the advt. no. IITG/R/08/2023 dated 10.10.2023
13 Result of the interview for the post of Registrar
14 Final result of written examination for the post of Junior Technical Superintendent in specialization Civil Engg.
15 Result of written examination for the post of Junior Technical Superintendent held on 28.12.2023 against advt. no. IITG/R/05/2023 dated 01.06.2023