Head of the Centre

R. Ganesh Narayanan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Phone : +91 361 258 2670
hocicps @ iitg.ac.inContact Address
Center for Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems,
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,
Guwahati, Assam - 781039
+91 361 258 2670
hocicps @ iitg.ac.in
Website : https://www.iitg.ac.in/cicps/
About Centre for Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems
Center for Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems at IIT Guwahati is established to promote activities focused on Technology Development, Human Resource Development, Technology Business Incubation, M.Tech Program, Ph.D Program. Centre is intended to focus on their targeted activities such as developing technologies and products, job creation, making collaborations, Skill development etc. At present 41 Faculty Members (18 ME, 8 EEE, 6 CSE, 5 DoD, 3 CE, 1 Chemistry) are involved in the centre. Centre consist of nine different laboratories viz., Underwater Natural Resources lab, Product Development Laboratory, Reverse Engineering Laboratory, Fabrication Laboratory, Virtual & Augmented Reality Laboratory, E-Mobility Laboratory, Internet of Things Laboratory, Product Testing Laboratory and Sensor & Actuator Fabrication Laboratory, these facilities available at the centre have been a great support for the students working in different areas at IITG as well for the students of various academic and research institutions of the north east.