Head of the Department

Sougata Karmakar
Associate Professor,
Department of Design
Contact Address
Department of Design
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati, Assam 781039
+91 361 258 2500/2451
dodoff @ iitg.ac.in
Website : https://www.iitg.ac.in/design/
About Department of Design
The Department of Design(DoD), one of the thirteen departments at IIT Guwahati, was set up with a vision to enkindle some of the brightest technical minds of the country a passion for innovation in technology driven by a firm understanding, appreciation and celebration of design.
The department offers an M.Des. degree, a B.Des. degree (the only undergraduate level degree of its kind in an Indian Institute of Technology) and a PhD degree in Design. The focus of the program is on the study, invention, and creative use of technologies to create effective, usable, enjoyable experiences with technology through interdisciplinary research in engineering, design, behavioral and social sciences, and to understand the impact of technology on individuals, groups, and organizations. The department envisions to produce successful graduates who will be capable of leading the changing scenarios of today and tomorrow through thought, innovation and values.
The institute is situated in North Guwahati, Assam, on the north bank of the river Brahmaputra amidst breathtaking natural beauty and serenity. The full fledged campus sprawls over 285 hectares of gently undulating terrain with several hillocks covered with lush green vegetation, a few lakes and a panoramic view of the mighty river on one side and a ring of blue hills on the other. The Institute is conveniently accessible from all the transport hubs in the Guwahati city.