High quality facilities supporting numerical computation are essential for the Department of Physics at IIT Guwahati to fulfill the educational and research missions. The Computation Laboratory was established in the year 2005. It is intended for both academic and research purpose. The lab has state-of-art computation facility for various types numerical solutions. At present department has one 14 node (240 processors) HPC cluster for running parallel computational jobs. In addition to that, there are 5 more clusters and around 15 high-performance workstations are also available for supporting computational activities. Department has four high-performance branded servers. These servers are used as NIS Authentication server, NFS filesystem server, software license server and as computational workstation. The Computational Laboratory for undergraduate students has a computer strength of 55 desktop PCs, all of standard brands and are specially configured for computational performance. In addition to that all the research scholars are provided with personal desktop with high end specifications for data analysis activates.
Computational lab I

Computational lab II

Computational lab III

MTech Lab

Numerical Teaching Laboratory I

Numerical Teaching Laboratory II