The school at IIT Guwahati aims to train biomedical engineers to take leadership responsibilities in the health sector. Our learning is oriented to gain an interdisciplinary understanding of engineering, biological-chemical science, humanities, and design principles through hands-on experiences. The focus is to bring scientific and technological innovations to support health science and allied areas.

World Tech Hub

Building a Better Tommorrow
Inspire, Innovate, Integrate. Open the Doors to New Possibilities with Tech Education
Technology & Medical Science Together
Technological Advancements Learning beyond the classroom
Promoting Interactive Learning

IIT Guwahati has always endeavoured to play a leadership role by diversifying the flavour of its academic programs. Jyoti and Bhupat Mehta School of Health Sciences and Technology is another important initiative at IIT Guwahati that will bridge the gap of highly skilled personnel that exists in these emerging fields.