
About Course Structure Future Opportunities


The Department of Design is one of the first departments one encounters when they make their way into the academic complex of IIT Guwahati. The calm and beautiful environment and the chirpy professors make for a peaceful sight. The department is filled with amazingly talented individuals, who fulfill all of the creative requirements of the college, and also work in collaboration with other students to produce user friendly and usable innovations.

Course Structure

The Bachelor's programme tries to incorporate all elements of design - visual design, industrial design, interaction design, animation, game design etc. The department offers many courses like Elements of Graphic Design, Introduction to Ergonomics, Introduction to Interaction Design, Animation Fundamentals etc., to give students an overview of all types of design careers. The teaching style adopted by the professors is to allot projects to the students, so that they learn as they work. Most of the courses do not have final exams, but all courses have multiple projects to be completed in the course of a semester. The students are evaluated on the basis of these projects and their class participation. The students can also add these projects to their portfolio to display their work to potential employers. Other than the department projects, students can also pursue projects under other departments that have design requirements. Moreover, a lot of students also pick up daily issues on their own and adopt UX methodologies to solve these issues

Future Opportunities

A B.Des graduate can develop any of the following profiles - Industrial Designer, Animation, Game Designer, Developer, Graphic Designer, Product Designer; but most students of the department tread the path of UI/UX design. A lot of companies come in during the placement season, and most of the batches have a placement record of close to 100%. Some of the companies that have come for placements in the past are Samsung, Microsoft, Flipkart, WIPRO, IBM, Infosys etc. Students looking to study further also have various options. A lot of them apply for masters in the US universities, with Human Computer Interaction being one of the hottest fields currently. Domestically, a lot of institutes such as IISC Bangalore, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Hyderabad, and our very own IIT Guwahati as well offer courses for further studies.
