and Electrical Engineering
The Ph.D. program is aimed at developing creative thinking, mathematical modelling and problem solving abilties of the students by posing them unsolved research issues in their areas of interest. The department provides a free, conducive and friendly atmosphere for the students to pursue unfettered research work in all the areas related to the field of Electronics, Electrical and Communication Engineering. The students admitted to this program will be pursuing research work in their areas of interest under the supervision of one or more faculty of the department. The areas in which the faculty are currently pursuing research work are listed below :
Communication Engineering Wireless Communications; Information Theory and Coding; Communication Networks; Computer Networks; Computational Photography; Data Compression; and Cryptography; Quantum error correction; Quantum computation and communication; Waveform design for wireless communications; Vehicular communications; 5G/6G Wireless communication; AI/ML application in communications; Adversarial machine learning. |
Power Engineering Power Systems; Power Electronics; Power Quality; Power electronics application in power system; Micro grid and renewable energy resources; Power distribution system planning; Custom power devices; Electrical Machines; Control of Electrical Drives; Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles; High Voltage Engineering; High Voltage Engineering and Applied Electromagnetics; Condition Monitoring of Power Apparatuses; High voltage and Pulse power; High power density motor design; Inductive charging for EVs; Vector Control of Motors; Power system Monitoring and Control; Power System Cyber-Security. |
Microelectronics, Photonics and RF Engineering Antenna; Microwave Engineering; Electromagnetics; Computational Electromagnetics. Fiber Optic Communication; Optoelectronics; Photonics Integrated Circuits, Optical Communication, Optical Networks; Optical Sensors; Microwave and Photonics; Optical Instrumentation; Plasmonics and metamaterials and smart electrotuneable plasmonic metasystems; Silicon photonics, Structural Health Monitoring Using fiber Optics, Distributed Acoustic Sensors, Optical Signal Processing, Digital Holography, Phase Imaging; Vacuum Electronics; Millimeter-wave Communication; Integrated photonic devices; Photonics and Metamaterial device design using AI. |
Signal Processing and Machine Learning Data Sciences, Biomedical Signal and Medical Image Processing; Speech and Handwriting Processing; Image/Video Processing and Computer Vision; Pattern Recognition; Multimedia Analytics; Biometrics; Counter-spoofing; Security and Privacy; Biometrics and Biometric counter-spoofing; Privacy preserving analysis for secure computation; Secure key distribution and management in wireless sensor networks; Video Analytics; Vision and Language; Natural Language Processing; Deep Learning. |
Systems, Control and Automation Systems Theory; Control Theory and Applications; Control of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems; Artificial Intelligence based Control; Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems; Relay Based Identification and Autotuning; Adaptive Control; Optimal Control; Robotics and Automation; Cryptography; Robust Control; Cooperative Control of Multi-agent Systems. |
VLSI and Nanoelectronics Solid-State Devices, Analog and RF Integrated Circuits, Digital Circuits and Systems, DSP Architectures, CAD for VLSI, High Performance Computing, MEMS, Organic Electronics, Flexible Electronics, Instrumentation, Quantum Computing, Hardware Security, Nanoscale devices, Non-volatile memory technologies, Spintronics, Wide Bandgap Semiconductors, Power Semiconductor Devices, Photodetectors, Photovoltaics, VLSI System Design, Embedded System Design, Computer Architecture, Neuromorphic Computing, In-Memory Computing, Hardware Realization of Machine Learning Algorithms, Magnetic random-access memory (MRAM), Magnetic Tunnel Junctions (MTJ), Advanced data storage technologies, Resistive random-access memory (ReRAM), Neuromorphic devices, Wearable and Nano Sensors, Electronic Nose, Papertronic Sensing Systems, and Sensor Interface Electronics. |