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Durga Charan Dalal

Professor Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur)

+91 (0)361 258 2615    durga ◊ iitg ⋅ ac ⋅ in

Research Area: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Two-phase Flows
Room No: E-206
Personal Website | IRINS Profile

Department Responsibilities:
Infrastructure Advisory and Purchase Committee, Convener


Computational Fluid Dynamics, Two-phase Flows


Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur)


Chairman, Standing committee for Group E-mail posting

Journal Publications

35. K. Chakravarty, D.C. Dalal., "A nonlinear mathematical model of drug delivery from polymeric matrix", Bulletin of Mathematical Biology , vol.81 ,pp.105-130, [2019]

34. S. Barik, D.C. Dalal., "Multi-scale analysis for concentration distribution in an oscillatory couette flow (In Press)", Proceedings of Royal Society A. [2019]

33. K. Chakravarty, D.C. Dalal., "Stability Analysis of Drug Dynamics Model : A Mathematical Approach (In Press).", International Journal of Biomathematics. [2019]

32. Nilay Mondal, K. Chakravarty, D. C. Dalal. ., "Mathematical modeling of drug delivery in tissue cells using electroporation", AIP Conference Proceeding , vol.1975 ,pp.030017-030025, [2018]

31. S. Barik, D. C. Dalal. . :-., "Transvers concentration distribution in an open channel flow with bed absorption : A multi-scale approach.", Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation , vol.65 ,pp.1-19, [2018]

30. Koyel Chakravarty, D. C. Dalal., "Mathematical modelling of liposomal drug release to tumour.", Mathematical Biosciences. , vol.306 ,pp.82-96, [2018]

29. Koyel Chakravarty, D. C. Dalal., "A Nonlinear Mathematical Model of Drug Delivery from Polymeric Matrix doi.org/10.1007/s11538-018-0519-y (In Press).", Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. [2018]

28. Koyel Chakravarty, D. C. Dalal., "An analytical study of drug release kinetics from a degradable polymeric matrix (In Press).", International Journal of Biomathematics. [2017] , DOI/10.1142/S1793524518500110

27. Koyel Chakravarty, D. C. Dalal., "An analytical study of drug release to biological tissues through endocytosis(In Press).", International Journal of Dynamics and Control [2017] , DOI 10.1007/s40435-017-0307-9.

26. Koyel Chakravarty, D.C. Dalal., "A Two-Layer Mathematical Modelling of Drug Delivery to Biological Tissues", Journal of Physics: Conference Series , vol.J759 012023 [2016] , doi:10.1088/1742-6596/759/1/012023

25. Koyel Chakravarty, D.C. Dalal, "A two-phase model for drug release from microparticles with combined effects of solubilisation and recrystallisation.", Mathematical Biosciences. , vol.272 ,pp.24-33, [2016]

24. D.C. Dalal, A. Kumar., "Analytical solution and analysis for solute transport in streams with diffusive transfer in the hyporheic zone.", Journal of Hydro-environment Research, In Press. [2014]

23. D.C. Dalal, F. Hecht, O. Pironneau., "Implementation of a low order mimetic elements in freefem++.", Journal on Numerical Mathematics , vol.20 (3-4) ,pp.183-194, [2013]

22. D.C. Dalal, S.K. Pandit., "Transient solution of an incompressible viscous flow in a channel with sudden expansion/contraction.", World Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Technology , vol.67 ,pp.158-169, [2012]

21. D.C. Dalal, A. Kumar., "Analysis of solute transport in rivers with transient storage and lateral inflow:", An analytical study. Acta Geophysica, Published online. [2010]

20. S.K. Pandit, J.C. Kalita, D.C. Dalal., "A fourth-order accurate compact scheme for the solution of steady Navier-Stokes equations on non-uniform grids.", Computers and Fluids. , vol.37 (2) ,pp.121-134, [2008] , https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045793007000916

19. D.C. Dalal, S.K. Pandit., "Numerical study of transient natural convection in a cavity with multiple adiabatic blocks.", Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM). , vol.7 (1) ,pp.2100063-2100064, [2008]

18. Swapan K. Pandit, Jiten C. Kalita, D.C. Dalal., "A transient higher order compact scheme for incompressible viscous flows on geometries beyond rectangular.", Journal of Computational Physics. , vol.225 (1) ,pp.1100-1124, [2007] , https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999107000319

17. D. C. Dalal, B.S. Mazumder, R.N. Roy., "Size distributions of suspended particles in open channel flow over bed materials.", Environmetrics. , vol.16 (2) ,pp.149-165, [2005]

16. D. C. Dalal, B.S. Mazumder, K. Ghoshal., "Influence of bed roughness on sediment suspension : Experimental and Theoretical studies.", Journal of Hydraulic Research , vol.43 (3) ,pp.245-257, [2005]

15. J.C. Kalita, Anoop K. Dass,D.C. Dalal., "A transformation-free HOC scheme for steady convection-diffusion on non-uniform grids.", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. , vol.44 (1) ,pp.33-53, [2004] , http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/abstract/106570639/ABSTRACT

14. D.C. Dalal, B.S. Mazumder, K. Ghoshal., "Effect of bed roughness on suspended sediment: experimental and theoretical studies.", Shallow Flows 2004, book edited by Jirka and Uijttewaal (Balkema publisher). ,pp.503-509, [2004]

13. D.C. Dalal, B.S. Mazumder., "Saltation layer of particles in water flows related to transport stage.", Nordic Hydrology. , vol.34 (4) ,pp.343-360, [2003]

12. J.C. Kalita, D.C. Dalal, Anoop K. Dass., "A class of Higher Order Compact schemes for the unsteady two-dimensional convection-diffusion equation with variable convection coefficients.", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , vol.38 ,pp.1111-1131, [2002] , https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fld.263

11. J. C. Kalita, Anoop K. Dass, D.C. Dalal., "A fully compact HOC simulation of the steady-state natural convection in a square cavity.", Physical Review E, 066703. , vol.64 (6) ,pp.1-13, [2001] , http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v64/i6/e066703

10. D.C. Dalal, B.S. Mazumder., "Fully Compact Higher-order Computation of Steady-state Natural Convection in a Sqaure Cavity.", Physical Review E. , vol.64 (6) ,pp.066703-066715, [2001]

9. D.C. Dalal, B.S. Mazumder, R.N. Bhattacharya, J.K. Ghosh., "Comparison of diffusion based approaches to sediment transport with a stochastic interpretation.", Stochastic Hydraulics 2000, edited by Wang and Hu (Balkema publisher). -. ,pp.255-261, [2000]

8. D.C. Dalal, B.S. Mazumder., "Contaminant Dispersion from an Elevated Time-dependent Source.", J. Computational and Applied Mathematics. , vol.126 (1-2) ,pp.185-205, [2000]

7. D.C. Dalal, B.S. Mazumder., "Unsteady Convective Diffusion in Viscoelastic Fluid Flowing through a Tube.", Int. J. Non-Linear Mechanics. , vol.33 (1) ,pp.135-150, [1998]

6. D.C. Dalal, N. Datta, S.K. Mukherjee., "Unsteady Natural Convection of a Dusty Fluid in an Infinite Rectangular Channel.", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. , vol.41 (3) ,pp.547-562, [1998]

5. D.C. Dalal, H.P. Mazumder, U.N. Ganguly, S. Ghorai., "On the Distribution of Axial Velocity and Pressure Gradient in a Pulsatile Flow of Blood through a Constricted Artery.", Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. , vol.27 (11) ,pp.1137-1150, [1996]

4. D.C. Dalal, N. Datta., "Pulsatile Flow and Heat Transfer of a Dusty Fluid through an Infinitely Long Annular Pipe.", International Journal of Multiphase Flow. , vol.21 ,pp.515-528, [1995]

3. D.C. Dalal, N. Datta, S.K. Mishra., "Unsteady Heat Transfer to Pulsatile Flow of a Dusty Viscous Incompressible Fluid in a Channel.", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. , vol.36 ,pp.1783-1788, [1993]

2. D.C. Dalal, N. Datta., "Unsteady Flow of a Dusty Fluid through a Circular Pipe with Impulsive Pressure Gradient.", Acta Mechanica. , vol.95 ,pp.51-57, [1992]

1. D.C. Dalal, N. Datta., "Generalized Couette Flow of a Dusty Gas", Indian Journal of Technology. , vol.30 ,pp.260-264, [1992]

Conference Publications

14. D.C. Dalal, Akhilesh Kumar., "Mathematical modeling of solute transport in rivers.", Proceedings of Recent Trends in Mathematical Modeling and simulation held in the Department of Mathematics, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. [2010]

13. D.C. Dalal, Akhilesh Kumar., "Analytical solution for continuous injection of solute in rivers with diffusive transfer in the hypoheic zone.", Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control held in Indore. [2008]

12. D.C. Dalal, Akhilesh Kumar., "Analytical solution for instantaneous injection of conservative solutes in rivers with hypoheic zone.", Proceedings of 2nd World Aqua Congress held in New Delhi. [2008]

11. D.C. Dalal, J.C. Kalita, S.K. Pandit., "Numerical investigation of vertical evolution in a backward constricted channel flow.", Proceedings of 2nd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS- 06) held at the IIT Guwahati. , vol.2 ,pp.1274-1280, [2006]

10. J. C. Kalita, S. K. Pandit, D. C. Dalal., "Numerical investigation of vortical evolution in a backward constricted channel.", Proceedings of the second International conference on computational mechanics and simulation, IIT Guwahati, India. , vol.3 ,pp.1695-1700, [2006]

9. J. C. Kalita, S. K. Pandit, D. C. Dalal., "Higher order compact computation of incompressible viscous flows on nonuniform grids.", Proceedings of the International congress of computational and experimental engineering, IIT Madras, India. December. [2005]

8. J. C. Kalita, S. K. Pandit, D. C. Dalal., "HOC schemes for solving Navier-Stokes equations on curvilinear meshes.", Proceedings of the 50th congress of Indian society of theoretical and applied mechanics, IIT Kharagpur, India. [2005]

7. J. C. Kalita, S. K. Pandit, D. C. Dalal., "HOC schemes for rows in constricted tube.", Proceedings of the 50th congress of Indian society of theoretical and applied mechanics, IIT Kharagpur, India. [2005]

6. D.C. Dalal, B.S. Mazumder, K. Ghoshal., "Influence of bed roughness on sediment suspension: Experimental and Theoretical studies.", Proceedings of conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Ocean Engineering - HYDRO 2002 held at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumba. . [2002]

5. D.C. Dalal, J.C. Kalita, Anoop K. Dass., "Buoyancy Ratio Effects on the Double-Diffusive Natural Convection in a Vertical Porous Annulus: An HOC Simulation.", Proceedings of International Symposium on Recent Trends in Heat and Mass Transfer held at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India, paper no. ISRTHMT 02-125. January. [2002]

4. Jiten C Kalita, D. C. Dalal, Anoop K. Dass., "Simulation of flow in a differentially heated square cavity at high Rayleigh Numbers.", proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Non-linear Systems, at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. , vol.2 ,pp.114-133, [2000]

3. D.C. Dalal, J.C. Kalita, Anoop K. Dass., "Simulation of flow in a differentially heated square cavity for Ra=10^6 and 10^7.", Proceedings of the 27th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power held at Palghat, India, December 2000. ,pp.229-235, [2000]

2. D.C. Dalal, R. N. Bhattacharya, J.K. Ghosh, B.S. Mazumder., "Comparison of diffusion based approaches to sediment transport with a stochastic interpretation.", Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics in Beijing, China. . [2000]

1. D.C. Dalal, J.C. Kalita., "Application of HOC method in steady state natural convection in a square cavity: A numerical approach.", Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Nonlinear Systems held at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. [1999]


1 Dr. Subrata Dey


Currently no completed student.


1 Gopinath Sadhu
2 Rupchand Sutradhar
3 Tanay Kumar Karmakar
4 Bikram Das


1 Nilay Mondal
2 Kuldeep Singh Yadav
3 Jiten Ch. Kalita
4 Swapan Kumar Pandit
5 Akhilesh Kumar
6 Chitralekha Sarkar
7 Koyel Chakravarty
8 Swarup Barik

1. Web Based Course Development of Mathematics III
Funding Agency :
Principal Investigator: M G P Prasad
Co-investigator: D. C. Dalal.
Duration/Starting Year: 2002
Status: Completed

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