CS594 : Python Programming Lab (L-T-P-C: 0-0-3-3)

Instructor : A. Sahu TA : Chinmaya Swain (chinmayaswain< at > iitg < dot > ac < dot > in)
Venue: Online [As there is no lecture and tutorial components in this courses, we will float assignments and you are supposed to code for the assignment and submit before the deadline of the assignments]
Course Contents: Fundamental concepts: Literals, variables and identifiers, operators, expressions and data types; Control structures: Boolean expressions, selection control, iterative control; Lists: List structures, Lists, (sequences), iterating over lists; Functions: Program routines, calling value-returning functions, calling non value-returning functions, parameter passing, variable scope; Dictionaries and Sets; Recursion; Text Files: Using text files, string passing, exception handling
Text/reference Book:
  1. Charles Dierbach, Introduction to Computer Science using Python : A Computational Problem Solving Focus, John-Wiley and Sons, 2012.
  2. Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers, How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python , 2012, Published As Online Open Book
  3. Python Tutorial from W3School , https://www.w3schools.com/python/default.asp

There will be six programming assignments with weigtages (10,12,14,16,18,20) and 10 marks of viva-voce examination
  1. Assignment I [10 Marks, Deadline 16 Sep]: Assignment Statement PDF, Four Page Python Tutorial PDF, Marks ssignment I, Sol Idea: Assignment I
  2. Assignment II [12 Marks, Deadline 28 Sep]: Assignment Statement PDF, Six Page Python Tutorial PDF Marks ssignment II
  3. Assignment III[14 Marks, Deadline 11 Oct]: Assignment Statement PDF Inputs: [tai20b.dat, tai100b.dat, CSVForDate.csv ] Marks ssignment III Python Tutorial PDF
  4. Assignment IV [16 Marks, Deadline 25 Oct]: Assignment Statement PDF, Inputs: [Book-Txt.tar.xz]
  5. Marks ssignment IV
  6. Assignment V [18 Marks, Deadline 09 Nov]: Assignment Statement PDF Marks ssignment V
  7. Assignment VI [20 Marks, Deadline 23 Nov]: Assignment Statement PDF Inputs: [JobArrival.txt], Marks ssignment VI
  8. Viva-voce (Interaction) [10 Marks, 26 Nov] : CS594-VivaSchedule.html

Guidelines for the assignment submission