Associate Professor Ph.D. (IISc Bangalore)
+91 (0)361 258 2638 saha.subhamay ◊ iitg ⋅ ac ⋅ in
Research Area: Probability and Stochastic Process
Room No: E1-202
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My broad area of research is Probability and Stochastic Processes. More specifically, I am interested in Stochastic Control Theory, Stochastic Games, Stochastic Networks and Interacting Particle Systems.
1. Mrinal K. Ghosh and Subhamay Saha, "Optimization, Control, and Applications of Stochastic Systems: A Volume in Honor of Onésimo Hernández-Lerma", Continuous-time Controlled Jump Markov Processes on the Finite Horizon , Birkhäuser/Springer, New York [2012]
22. Arnab Bhabak and Subhamay Saha, "Partially Observable Discrete-time Markov Games with General Utility", Operations Research Letters [2024]
21. Arnab Bhabak and Subhamay Saha, "Zero and Non-zero sum risk-sensitive semi-Markov games ", Stochastic Analysis and Applications [2023]
20. Anindya Goswami, Subhamay Saha and Ravishankar K. Yadav, "Semimartingale Representation of a Class of Semi-Markov Dynamics", Journal of Theoretical Probability [2023]
19. Subrata Golui, Chandan Pal and Subhamay Saha, "Continuous-time Zero-Sum Games for Markov Decision Processes with Discounted Risk-Sensitive Cost Criterion", Dynamic Games and Applications [2022]
18. Arnab Bhabak, Chandan Pal and Subhamay Saha, "Zero-Sum Semi-Markov Games with Probability Criterion", Stochastics [2022]
17. Arnab Bhabak and Subhamay Saha, "Risk-sensitive Semi-Markov Decision Problems with Discounted Cost and General Utilities ", Statistics and Probability Letters [2022]
16. Arnab Bhabak and Subhamay Saha, "Continuous-time Zero-sum Games with Probability Criterion", Stochastic Analysis and Applications [2021]
15. Asaf Cohen and Subhamay Saha, "Asymptotic Optimality of the Generalized $c\mu$ Rule under Model Uncertainty", Stochastic Processes and Applications [2021]
14. Chandan Pal and Subhamay Saha, "Continuous-time Zero-sum Stochastic Game with Stopping and Control ", Operations Research Letters [2020]
13. Anup Biswas and Subhamay Saha, "Zero-Sum Stochastic Differential Games with Risk-Sensitive Cost", Applied Mathematics and Optimization [2020]
12. Ari Arapostathis, Anup Biswas and Subhamay Saha, "Strict Monotonicity of Principal Eigenvalues of Elliptic Operators on $R^d$ and Risk-Sensitve Control", Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées [2019]
11. Amarjit Budhiraja, Elisabeti Kira and Subhamay Saha, "Central Limit Results for Jump-Diffusions with Mean Field Interaction and a Common Factor", Stochastic Analysis and Applications [2017]
10. Rami Atar and Subhamay Saha, "Optimality of the Generalized c$\mu$ Rule in the Moderate Deviation Regime", Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications [2017]
9. Anup Biswas, Hitoshi Ishii, Subhamay Saha and Lin Wang, "On Viscosity Solution of HJB Equations with State Constraints and Reflection Control", SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization [2017]
8. Rami Atar and Subhamay Saha, "An $\epsilon$-Nash Equilibrium with High Probability for Strategic Customers in Heavy Traffic", Mathematics of Operations Research [2017]
7. Amarjit Budhiraja, Xin Liu and Subhamay Saha, "Construction of Asymptotically Optimal Control for Crisscross Network from a Free Boundary Problem", Stochastic Systems [2016]
6. Rami Atar and Subhamay Saha, "A Note on Non-existence of Diffusion Limits for Serve-the-Longest-Queue when the Buffers are Equal in Size", Electronic Communications in Probability [2016]
5. Mrinal K. Ghosh and Subhamay Saha, "Risk-Sensitive Control of Continuous-time Markov Chains", Stochastics [2014]
4. Subhamay Saha, "Zero-Sum Stochastic Games with Partial Information and Average Payoff", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications [2014]
3. Mrinal K. Ghosh and Subhamay Saha, "Non-Stationary Semi-Markov Decision Processes on a Finite Horizon", Stochastic Analysis and Applications [2013]
2. Mrinal K. Ghosh and Subhamay Saha, "Optimal Control of Markov Processes with Age-Dependent Transition Rates", Applied Mathematics and Optimization [2012]
1. Mrinal K. Ghosh and Subhamay Saha, "Stochastic Processes with Age-Dependent Transition Rates", Stochastic Analysis and Applications [2011]
Research Scholars
1 | Bivakar Bose |
2 | Pratim Dey |
1 | Arnab Bhabak |
1. Stochastic Games for Continuous-time Stochastic Processes
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