Date: 23rd March, 2022

Time: 3 p.m.

Venue: HSS Department Conference Room

Youtube live link:

Abstract of the talk: This presentation explores the interrelationships between language endangerment, social, economic and various forms of conflict violence, and other factors thought to be predictive of language loss. It is a first step to understand language loss by: a) synthesizing the contributions linguists and political scientists have made to the study of language endangerment and political violence; b) developing a preliminary statistical model to explain language loss using publicly available data and c) outlining subsequent steps for an interdisciplinary research framework that also protects the interests of individual community members and larger community interests

About the Speakers: James Meernik is Regents Professor of Political Science and Director of the Castleberry Peace Institute and Kimi King is Distinguished Teaching Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Political Science, University of North Texas.