Teaching forms an important component in the IIT system. The very purpose of IIT's establishment is to produce quality and world-class human resource

Contact information:

Mohammad Qureshi
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Head, Central Instruments Facility
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Assam - 781039
Email: mq[at]iitg.ac.in

Sponsoring Agencies:

CH 101 -  Chemistry (Instructor)  ------ Undergraduate
CH 110 -  B.Tech Laboratory (Instructor) ----- Undergraduate
CH 002 -  Preparatory Chemistry for BTech students ---- Undergraduate
CH 639 -  Principles and Applications of Molecular Fluorescence ------- Postgraduate
CH 437 -  Chemical Approaches to Nano Scale Science and Technology ------- Undergraduate
Introducing concepts of nanochemistry and technology. This course contains instrumentation detailssuch as SEM, TEM, AFM, STM, LITHOGRAPHY, FABRICATION TOOLS and APPLICATIONS for the SEVENTH semester students of B Tech Programme, CHEMICAL SCEINCE AND TECHNOLOGY (Latest feedback)
CH 535 -  Physical Chemistry Laboratory for BTech students ------ Undergraduate
CH 337 - Undergraduate Experimental Laboratory -------- Undergraduate
NPTEL - Developed a web based course on Chemistry of Materials ---- General
Functional metal oxide/ sulfide research for their photoelectrochemical and electrochemical applications

Materials Matter
CH 535 -  Physical Chemistry Laboratory for BTech students ---- Undergraduate
CH 605 -  Physical methods in Chemistry ------- Postgraduate
CH - 645 Scientific Writing and presentation