This Subject Includes

  • Course No: HS 633
  • Course: Ph.D Programme
  • Semester: IV
  • Title: Religion and Modernity
  • Stream: Sociology
  • Preamble / Objectives: The course provides a critical understanding of the relationship between religion and modernity. It explores how they have been inextricably intertwined (historically and conceptually) in constituting ideas and practices on the nation-state, public, and notions of self. Course Content/ Syllabus: Religion and Modernity: Philosophical, Historical and Aesthetic considerations; Religion and the Nation-state: Secularism, Law and sovereignty; Religion and the Public: Secularization, Civil Society, Social Movements; Religion and the Modern Self: Substantive conceptions of ‘secular,’ Multiple Secularities; Religion and Development: Revisiting ‘secular’ notions of development, Faith-based organizations in development practice.

    Books (In case UG compulsory courses, please give it as “Text books” and “Reference books”. Otherwise give it as “References”.

    Texts: (Format: Authors, Book Title in Italics font, Volume/Series, Edition Number, Publisher, Year.)

    References: (Format: Authors, Book Title in Italics font, Volume/Series, Edition Number, Publisher, Year.)

    1. Asad, T. Genealogies of religion. Johns Hopkins University Press.1993.

    2. Bhargava, R. (Ed.). Secularism and its critics. Oxford University Press. 1998.

    3. Bilgrami, A. Secularism, identity, and enchantment. Harvard University Press. 2014.

    4. Casanova, J. Public religions in the modern world. University of Chicago Press.1994.

    5. Haar, G. ter (Ed.) Religion and development: Ways of transforming the world. Columbia University Press. 2011.

    6. Taylor, C. Sources of the self: The making of the modern identity. Harvard University Press.1989.