This Subject Includes

  • Course No: HS 101
  • Course:
  • Semester: I
  • Title: English Communication
  • Stream:
  • Preamble / Objectives (Optional): The Course has the following objectives:

    The Course will help the learners to develop general proficiency in English in terms of listening,

    speaking, reading and writing, gain confidence to use grammatically accepted English for

    communication, gain confidence to speak English intelligibly, learn to use self -study strategies, use

    interpersonal communication skills effectively, become aware of the skills of critical thinking,

    information transfer and problem solving, develop analytical skills.


    Course Content/ Syllabus (as a single paragraph if it is not containing more than one subject. Sub-

    topics/ Sections may be separated by commas(,). Topics may be separated by Semi-Colons(;).

    Chapters may be separated by Full-Stop(.). While starting with broad heading, it may be indicated

    with Colon symbol before the topics. For example: Multi-variable Calculus: Limits of functions,

    Continuity, ……)


    General proficiency in English and Communication skills:

    Listening: What is listening, difference between listening and speaking, barriers to listening, effective

    listening strategies, comprehending social conversation, comprehending narrations and academic

    lectures. Speaking: Understanding accent (intelligibility, Indian and non-Indian accents), nuances of

    fluency; understanding effective speaking strategies, using language in various situations such as -

    introducing oneself and others on formal and informal situations, asking for information and giving

    information, describing people, places and objects, narrating events, explaining processes and

    products, expressing opinions, arguing, giving instructions, taking part in conversation and group

    discussions understanding turn taking strategies, making short presentations. Reading: Reading simple narratives and comprehending the gist, identifying topic sentences, identifying cohesive devices and their functions, comprehending texts of different genres and content matter. Vocabulary: understanding different aspects of a word, learning various strategies to develop vocabulary, using a dictionary for developing vocabulary. Grammar: Revising grammar already learnt – use of articles, quantifiers, punctuation, use of tenses, gerunds and infinitives, present participles, subject verb concord, adverbs, nouns, pronouns, prepositions, use of connectives, use of adjectives and adverbs, common errors. Writing: Writing short paragraphs with the help of topic sentences, cohesive devices, writing narratives of minimum three paragraphs, developing information transfer skills, summarising and paraphrasing, note-taking, note- making, writing short reviews, writing short reports.

    Books (In case UG compulsory courses, please give it as “Text books” and “Reference books”.

    Otherwise give it as “References”.

    Texts: (Format: Authors, Book Title in Italics font, Volume/Series, Edition Number, Publisher, Year.)

    1. Jayashree Mohanraj et al(Eds), Speak Well, First Edition, Orient Blackswan, 2012.



    References: (Format: Authors, Book Title in Italics font, Volume/Series, Edition Number, Publisher,


    1. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of English, Ninth Edition, 2016.

    2. Nitin Bhatnagar and Mamta Bhaatnagar, Communicative English for Engineers and Professionals (Pearson,2010)

    About the Lab

    To be successful in today’s world of globalization, a high level of communicative competence is indispensable. An English Communication Laboratory functions in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. The laboratory set up in 2020, caters to the English language needs of the undergraduate as well as postgraduate students. The language software Words Worth installed is aimed at giving hands- on training in listening and speaking besides developing their reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary. In the lab, students can record their own voices and playback the recordings besides learning the language skills at their own convenience. We propose to make the software accessible to the students on the LAN so that they can work from their hostels.

    The laboratory plays a significant role in the administration of the course HS 101. The course is designed for its B. Tech/ B. Des Semester I students with limited English experience who are placed below the CEFR B2 level. The overall aim of the course is to develop students’ English level competency by helping them acquire skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing besides instilling confidence in them to use English beyond the classroom. The goal of instruction is to prepare students to use English appropriately for their studies and consequently in their professional needs at work and real life. Furthermore, the course gives the students the opportunity to speak on and discuss world issues, increase their vocabulary and knowledge of common English phrases, communicate in academic environment, and understand academic and general texts written in English. It begins with a Diagnostic Test for the B.Tech/ B.Des Freshers in order to identify the students who need to undertake the course. The students selected are required to attend classes four days a week. They attend class and lab on an alternate basis. In the lab, the students can interact, study and experiment with the language skills in a practical manner