Journal Publications
1. Pani, Amartya, Pulak Mishra and Mrinal Kanti Dutta, "Ecological Implication of Changing Irrigation Sources and Farming Practices: Experiences from West Bengal, India", Discover Agriculture, Springer, vol.2, Issue no.134 [2024],
2. Bayan, Baban; P P Sahu and Mrinal Kanti Dutta, "Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Dairy Farms in Rural Assam: A Double Bootstrap Data Envelopment Analysis Approach", International Journal of Rural Management, Sage [2024],
3. Deka, Chayasmita; Mrinal Kanti Dutta; Masoud Yazdanpanah and Nadejda Komendantova, "When ‘Fear Factors’ Motivate People to Adopt Electric Vehicles in India: An Empirical Investigation of the Protection Motivation Theory", Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, Elsevier, vol.13 [2024],
4. Deka, Chayasmita; Mrinal Kanti Dutta; Masoud Yazdanpanah and Nadejda Komendantova, "Can gain motivation induce Indians to adopt electric vehicles? Application of an extended Theory of Planned Behavior to map EV adoption intention", Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol.182, Issue no.113724 [2023],
5. Das, Kulen Chandra and Mrinal Kanti Dutta, "Willingness to Pay of the forest Fringe dwellers for Conservation of Laokhowa and Burhachapori Wildlife Sanctuaries in Northeast India", Indian Forester, vol.149, Issue no.1, pp.13-22, ISBN.0019‐4816 [2023]
6. Tamuli, J., Mrinal Kanti Dutta and Kashyap, P. P., "Groundwater Market in Water Abundant Regions: Determinants of Farmers’ Decision to Buy Irrigation Water in Assam in North East India", Water Policy, IWA Publishing, ISBN.1366-7017 EISSN 1996-9759 [2022]
7. Dutta, M. K. and B. Bayan, "Determinants, Nutritional Support and Constraints of Crossbred Cattle Adoption: A Case Study of Dairying in Assam", Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, vol.76, Issue no.3, pp.486-498, ISBN.2582-7510 [2021]
8. Tamuli, Jitu, Mrinal Kanti Dutta and Payel Priya Kashyap, "Groundwater Markets in Water Abundant Conditions: Factors Affecting Farmers' Decision to Sell Water in Assam in North East India", Water Economics and Policy, World Scientific, ISBN.23826258 [2021],
9. Das, Kulen Chandra and Mrinal Kanti Dutta, "The Economic value of Forests: An Economic Analysis of the Provisioning Services of Laokhowa and Burhachapori Wildlife Sanctuaries of Assam, India", Indian Forester, vol.145, Issue no.10, pp.998-1006, ISBN.0019-4816 [2019]
10. Bayan, Baban and Mrinal Kanti Dutta, "What Influences Adoption and Use Intensity of Artificial Insemination Technology among Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Assam? A Double Hurdle Approach", Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, vol.73, Issue no.4, pp.445-458, ISBN.0019-5014 [2019]
11. Tamuli, J, M. K. Dutta and P. P. Kashyap, "What determines Farmers’ Decision to own Water Extracting Devices (WEDs) in Water Abundant Regions? A study of Ground Water Markets in Assam", Social Change and Development, vol.XV, Issue no.2, pp.84-101 [2018]
12. Barman Hemanta, , Mrinal Kanti Dutta and Hiranya K. Nath, "The Telecommunications Divide among Indian States", Telecommunications Policy, Elsevier, vol.42, Issue no.7, pp.530-551, ISBN.978-1-138-28629-0 [2018],
13. Bayan, Baban and Mrinal Kanti Dutta, "Effect of Crossbred Cattle Adoption on Employment Generation in Assam", Indian Journal of Dairy Science, Indian Dairy Association, vol.71, Issue no.1, pp.110-114 [2018]
14. Bayan, Baban and M. K. Dutta, "Crossbred Cattle Adoption and Its Impact on Income and Household Milk Consumption among Dairy Farmers: Empirical Evidence from Assam", Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, vol.72, Issue no.2, pp.153-165, ISBN.0019-5014 [2017]
15. Tamuli, J., and M. K. Dutta, "Factors Influencing Reliability of Groundwater Markets in Less Water Scarce Regions: A Case of Assam in Eastern India", Review of Development and Change, MIDS, Chennai, vol.XXI, Issue no.2, pp.66-92 [2017]
16. Dutta, M. K. and Parag Dutta, "South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance", Revenue Mobilization Effort of Special Category States: The Case of Assam in North East India, Sage, vol.4, Issue no.2, pp.178-204 [2015]
17. Tamuli, Jitu and M. K. Dutta, "What Determines Farmers’ Decision to Buy Irrigation Water in Water Abundant Regions? A Study of Water Markets in Assam in Eastern India", ., INFER Working Paper Series, Germany [2015]
18. Deka R.L., C. Mahanta, K K Nath and M. K. Dutta, "Spatio-temporal Variability of Rainfall Regime in the Brahmaputra Valley of North East India", Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Springer [2015]
19. Dutta Parag and M. K. Dutta, "Fiscal and Debt Sustainability in a Federal Structure: The Case of Assam in North East India", Romanian Journal of Fiscal Policy, vol.5, Issue no.1 (8), pp.1-19 [2014]
20. Das, Ira, M. K. Dutta and Borbora, S, "Rural–urban Linkages for Development of Rural Economy in Assam: A Social Accounting Matrix Approach", International Journal of Rural Management, Sage, vol.9, Issue no.2, pp.183-208 [2013]
21. Das, Daisy; S. Borbora and M. K. Dutta, "Living Environment and Quality of Life: A Case Study", International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics (IJEES), vol.25, Issue no.2, pp.71-84 [2012]
22. Das, Daisy, S. Borbora and M. K. Dutta, "Satisfaction from Quality of Life in Urban Living Environment", South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies [2011]
23. Das, Ira, M. K. Dutta and S. Borbora, "Status, Scope and Labour Absorption in Unorganised Manufacturing Sector in North Eastern Region", Indian Journal of Regional Science, vol.43, Issue no.2 [2011]
24. Dutta, Parag and M. K. Dutta, "An Analysis of Fiscal Crisis and Fiscal Reforms in Assam in Recent Decades", Assam Economic Journal, vol.22, pp.1-22 [2011]
25. Das, Ira; M. K. Dutta and S. Borbora, "Sectoral Linkages in Assam: An Empirical Analysis", Man and Development, vol.32, Issue no.2, pp.77-94 [2010]
Conference Proceedings
1. Prerona Baruah and Mrinal Kanti Dutta, "How varied is the volatility of agricultural commodity prices across India?", The 10th ASAE International Conference: Gearing Asian Agriculture under the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Opportunities and Challenges, 6-8 December 2021 / Beijing, China, Asian Society of Agricultural Economics, pp.658-673 [2022],
Book Chapter
1. Dutta, M K and Tamuli, Jitu, "Groundwater Markets: Functioning and Issues" , Factor Markets in Small-Farm Agriculture , Sage , [2022]
2. Dutta, M. K., "Development Issues and Concerns" , Development Experience of the North Eastern Region and the Way Forward , Arya Vidyapeeth College, Guwahati ISBN.978-93-85229-80-0, pp.13-25, [2018]
3. Deka, R. L., Saikia, L., Mahanta, C., Dutta, M. K. , "Urban Ecology, Water Quality and Climate Change" , Increasing Extreme Temperature Events in the Guwahati City During 1971–2010 , Springer ISBN.978-3-319-74493-3, pp.169-179, [2018]
4. Mrinal Kanti Dutta, "Indian Agriculture after the Green Revolution, Changes and Challenges" , Irrigation in India: The Post-Green Revolution Experience, Challenges and Strategies , Routledge London and New York ISBN.978-1-138-28629-0, pp.96-111, [2018]
5. Dutta, M. K. and Das, Ira , "Rethinking Economic Development in Northeast India: The Emerging Dynamics" , Economic Performance of the North-Eastern Region in the Post-Liberalisation Period , Routledge ISBN.978-1138201781, pp.50-68, [2017]
1. M. K. Dutta and S. Borbora (Eds.), "Governance Issues and Gender Aspects in Development: A North East India Perspective", Papyrus, ISBN.978-83-81287-12-5 [2012]
2. M. K. Dutta, "Irrigation Potential in Agriculture of Assam", Concept Publishing Company, ISBN.978-81-8069-775-3 [2011]