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  HoAB and MUG minutes

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This webpage contains the gist of the minutes of Hospital Advisory Board(HoAB) and Medical User Group(MUG)meetings


HoAB meeting

MUG meeting

Meeting held on 24.08.2018(click here) Meeting held on 11.03.2019(click here)
Meeting held on 30.05.2019(click here) Meeting held on 17.09.2019(click here)
Meeting held on 15.10.2019(click here) Meeting held on 16.10.2020(click here)
Meeting held on 13.11.2019(click here) Meeting held on 20.10.2020(click here)
Meeting held on 12.12.2019(click here) Meeting held on 28.04.2021(click here)
Meeting held on 13.07.2020(click here) Meeting held on 08.10.2021(click here))
Meeting held on 25.04.2022(click here) Meeting held on 11.05.2022(click here)
Meeting held on 10.02.2023(click here) Meeting held on 22.11.2022(click here)
Meeting held on 29.04.2024(click here) Meeting held on 06.02.2024(click here)


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   Last updated on 10th MAY 2022 at 04.46 PM

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