
Welcome to the Electrodynamics Homepage (2008).  The course is based on the first seven chapters of 'Classical Electrodynamics' by Jackson.  However, with some experience in the past, I suggest reading some parts from Griffiths book. Griffiths book is exceptionally well written and gives great insight into the topic .

It is adviced that we should be very familiar with vector calculus, curvilinear coordinate systems, ODEs. We will cover PDE in this course.

I will also recommend familiarity with software called Mathematica. Apart from solving some problems, it has great visualization tools.


Quiz 1 will be held at 8 AM on Wed, 6 Feb.

Grading Scheme

  • 2 Quizzes of 10 Marks each
  • Midsemester Exam of 30 Marks
  • Endsemester Exam of 50 Marks