simple website creator

Abhijith S

Visual designer, Illustrator, Spatial designer

"Experience is the teacher of all things"
- Julius Caeser

Abhijith Suresh is a Master of Design student at DoD IIT. With graduation in Architecture, He moved into sensible and sustainable building practices, deeply influenced and inspired by the ideologies and design wisdom of Laurie baker. Working on the ground level, among the people, has fostered him a keen interest in understanding social-ecological systems, their interrelationships, and also their importance in answering regional and global climate issues. An understanding of this larger context paved for him to appreciate the potential and need of education in impacting our collective choices and senses for a sustainable future. With his affinity to spatial design, communication design, storytelling, Visual- audio narrations, and animation, he is currently working on developing ways to reimagine educational spaces that can cater to a sensible and collective future.

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