Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati - 781039, India

Toxic/Hazardous Waste management at IITG campus

E ven without conceptualizing an integrated toxic/hazard waste management at the campus, for the past few years, the Department of Chemistry has been contributing enormously towards the safe disposal of toxic/hazardous chemicals such as solvents from the IITG campus. The Department of Chemistry must be acknowledged for micro-management of waste collection and storage from various labs and eventually selling the waste solvents to a vendor who would process and utilize them for other applicable purposes.

Given these already established procedures, the Professor-in-Charge of Green Office has been meeting various faculty colleagues to initiate and conceptualize an efficient toxic/hazardous waste chemicals management at the campus. The project proposal is anticipated to take some amount of time, due to the relevant surveys and field works. Interested students and faculty colleagues are requested to please contact Prof. Uppaluri of Green Office for further details in the upcoming project proposal. <-- back to projects