TEQIP-III Sponsored 5-day Short Term Course on Selected Topics in Algorithms,
June 3 - 7, 2019 (tentative).

Download from here Brochure || Application Form DOC|| Endorsement Form DOC || Online application

The TEQIP STC is indefinitely postponed due to insufficiant number of participants

Course Objective

The primary objective of the short term course is to provide an understanding of the fundamentals of some algorithms for some selected areas (problems). Algorithm is the core subject of computing and is required in almost all areas of computer and related sciences. The goal is to enlighten the audience about a few algorithms for some fundamental problems so that at the end of the 5-day workshop/course, one can become more confident on some specific set of problems. The exact set of problem areas will depend on the individual instructors. However the backbone of all of them will be algorithm. Moreover, at the end of the workshop/course, one will have a fair understadning of some of the open questions (research problems) in each area/topic. The course will provide a platform for the faculties teaching data structure and algorithm related courses in various technical institutes in sharing the best practices for effective understanding and delivery of the subject. Pedagogy sessions arranged as part of the course will facilitate professional way of teaching algorithms. The course will also provide a forum for long term association with some of the faculties of the CSE department, IIT Guwahati in terms of student internship, collaborative research and combined mentoring of student projects.

Key Resource Persons
  • Dr. Sushanta Karmakar, Associate Prof, CSE, IIT Guwahati.
  • Dr. Pinaki Mitra, Associate Prof, CSE, IIT Guwahati.
  • Dr. Deepanjan Kesh, Assistant Professor, CSE, IIT Guwahati.
  • Dr. Jatindra Kumar Deka , Professor, CSE, IIT Guwahati.
  • Dr. Partha Sarathi Mandal, Associate Professor, Math, IIT Guwahati.
Potential Course Contents (may vary a bit)
  • Topic 1: Maximum flow and related problems
  • Topic 2: BSP (binary space partition) trees and related applications
  • Topic 3: Algorithms for Matchings in Graphs
  • Topic 4: Algorithms for bit-probe model and related problems
  • Topic 5: Algorithms for geometric optimization problems
  • Topic 6: Algorithms for wireless networks
  • Topic 7: Pedagogy session on how to effectively teach algorithms
Course Overview

The course provides the participants with an appreciation of modern algorithm design techniques and their applications in practical problem. The course does not have any pre-requisite. However basic understanding of data-structure and algorithm will be helpful. To facilitate better understanding, a few tutorial sessions for problem solving will be arranged. Special sessions are there devoted to the discussion of state of art research issues related to algorithms. The course would like to bring faculties teaching the related subjects in various participating institutes under one umbrella and share the best practices in delivering the subject in a more effective way.

Eligibility, Registration & Selection

The course is open to faculty members of TEQIP mapped institutions. Please refer to "Institution List" link in the NPIU website for list of TEQIP mapped institutions. There will be total 30 seats for the course which will be filled based on first come first serve basis.

How To Apply?

1. Fill the form Online application
2. Download the course Application Form and fill-up (typesetting is preferred over handwritten) all the entries including DD details.
3. Generate a pdf document of the filled up application form and take a printout of the same.
4. Affix your recent passport size color photograph and put your signature in the respective cells.
5. Download the course Endorsement Form and get it duly approved and signed by the head of your institution. Seal of the institute is mandatory.
6. Bring all the documents to attend the course

Boarding & Lodging

For participants from TEQIP mapped institutions, based on request, accommodation can be arranged free of cost in the guest house inside IITG campus. Participants from non-TEQIP institutes have to pay for boarding and lodging.

Course Coordinator

Dr. Sushanta Karmakar, [HomePage]
Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam 781039.
Email: sushantak@iitg.ac.in
Mobile: 9678007053

Interested candidates may plan their travel to Guwahati such that they should reach the respective accommodation venue latest by 02.06.2019. They can plan their return trip on 08.06.2019. Don't buy flight tickets unless you are confirmed to participate in the course.