
(21-22) Mr. Krishna Kumar and Mr. Soham Karandikar:-  2021-23
         Bachelor's Thesis title:  Machine Learning Aided Stress Recovery in Nonlinear Finite Element Problems Involving Contact-Impact

(21-22) Mr. V Harshvardhan and Mr. Golla Vijaya Raghava Narendra Chowdary:-  2020-22
         Bachelor's Thesis title: Machine Learnbing Algorithms for Drone Path Planning

(19-20) Mr. Abhijeet and Mr. Rishiraj Thakur:- 2018-19
         Bachelor's Thesis title: Comparative Study of Implicit Time Integration Schemes for Contact-Impact Problems

(17-18) Mr. Amandeep Sahu and Mr. Jasti Mahesh:- 2018-19
         Bachelor's Thesis title: Numerical Study of Explicit Time Integration Schemes for  Contact-Impact Problems

(15-16) Mr. Mridul Gupta and Mr. Shashwat Srivastava:- 2017-18
         Bachelor's Thesis title: Comparative Study of Implicit Time Integration Schemes for Dynamic Problems

(13-14) Ms. Kumbam Charasmai and Mr. Mahesh Yogi:- 2017-18
         Bachelor's Thesis title: Numerical Study of Explicit Time Integration Schemes for Dynamic Problems

(11-12) Mr. Kanishk Chaturvedi and Mr. Anshul Goyal :-  2016-17
         Bachelor's Thesis title: GPU Computing for Engineering Analysis
         (jointly with Dr. Deepak Sharma, Deparment of Mechanical Engineeing, IIT Guwahati)

(9-10) Mr. Aman Gupta and Mr. Md. Faiyaz Alam :- 2016-17
         Bachelor's Thesis title: Implementation of Contact Algorithms in A Finite Element Code

(7-8) Mr. Suman Mandal and Mr. Sundar Suman :- 2015-16
         Bachelor's Thesis title: Finite Element Simulation on the Graphics Card
         (jointly with Dr. Deepak Sharma, Deparment of Mechanical Engineeing, IIT Guwahati)

(5-6) Mr. Abhijeet Kumar Sinha and Mr. Shashwat Rishi Tiwari :- 2015-16
         Bachelor's Thesis title: Isogeometric Finite Element Analysis of Continua
         (jointly with Dr. Deepak Sharma, Deparment of Mechanical Engineeing, IIT Guwahati)

(3-4) Mr. S. Raghavendra and Mr. P. V. S. Chalam :- 2014-15
         Bachelor's Thesis title: Isogeometric Finite Element Based Topology Optimization
         (jointly with Dr. Deepak Sharma, Deparment of Mechanical Engineeing, IIT Guwahati)

(1-2) Mr. A. Chaudhari and Mr. S. Sen :- 2014-15
         Bachelor's Thesis title: Implementation of Nonlinear Finite Element Methods on GPUs
         (jointly with Dr. Deepak Sharma, Deparment of Mechanical Engineeing, IIT Guwahati)

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