Manufacturing Solutions for the Preparation of Siddha Medicines (Traditional Medicines Originated from Tamilnadu)

Funding agency Ministry of Human Resource Developement (MHRD), Govt. of India

About the project

India is well known for its traditional medicines including siddha, ayurveda and unani. However, in the present day, these traditional medicines are losing their importance due to many reasons. One of the major reasons is the lack of scientific understanding of the traditional method of manufacturing. Unlike the modern allopathy system of medicine, the siddha medicines were not evolved with the support of various expert people from different domain including, pharmacy, medicine, and engineering. By designing and manufacturing appropriate processing devices with required instrumentation and by employing the latest engineering manufacturing practices in medicine preparation, high quality medicine can be prepared at mass production level. The standardized manufacturing method helps to standardize the medicine quality and increase the efficacy of medicine.

This project aims to alleviate difficulties and drawbacks associated with traditional medicine manufacturing methods such as expert dependency, operator safety, non-availability of raw materials and inconsistencies in the efficacy of the medicines.

Current requirements No. of PhD Student required: 1 (full time)
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