Course Code: CS553
Course Name: Wireless Sensor Network
Prerequisites: NIL
Syllabus: Introduction to ad hoc networks. Routing- Proactive routing protocols, Reactive routing protocols, backbone, Position based routing, power efficient routing; Introduction to sensor networks and its applications: Architecture and factors influencing the sensor network design. Routing protocols- data centric routing protocols, hierarchical routing protocols, location based routing, energy efficient routing etc; Node Scheduling and coverage issues, topology control. Querying, data collection and processing, Collaborative information processing and group connectivity. Target tracking and identity management using sensor networks. Localization . Application & future research Challenges.
Texts: 1. Wireless Sensor Networks : A systems perspective By Nirupama Bulusu and Sanjay Jha, editors Artech House, August 2005.
2. F. Zhao and L. Guibas. Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach. Elsevier/Morgan-Kaufmann, 2004.
3. Wireless Sensor Networks : Architecture and Protocols By Jr., Edgar H. Callaway.
4. Wireless Sensor Networks, An Edited Book Editors : C.S Raghavendra, Krishna M. Sivalingam and Taieb Znati.