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Suresh A. Kartha

Suresh A. Kartha

Ph.D (April 2008). Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur

0361-258 2422    kartha[at]iitg.ac.in

Research Area: *Flow and transport through porous media *Heap leaching *Hydrology *Numerical Modeling

Personal Website | IRINS Profile

  • Ph.D (April 2008). Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur. Thesis Title: “Non-Ideal Flow and Transport in Heap Leaching of Precious Metals”
  • M.E. in Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering (Jan 2000). Centre for Water Resources, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University                                                                              
  • BTech in Civil Engineering (Jan 1998).  University of Calicut ( Studied from Government Engineering College Thrissur, Affiliated to University of Calicut)


  • Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati (From September 2021 onwards)
  • Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati (From March 2014 to September 2021)
  • Visiting Associate Professor in Water Engineering Management, School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand (From Sept-2015 to Dec-2015)
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati (From April 2008 to March 2014)
  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati (From August 2007 to March 2008)


UG Courses taught/teaching

  • CE 311 - Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
  • CE 201 - Surveying
  • CE 203 - Fluid Mechanics
  • ME 101 - Engineering Mechanics (Instructor and Tutor)
  • CE 101 – Engineering Graphics (Tutor)

PG Courses taught/teaching

  • CE 601 - Numerical Methods
  • CE 554 - Advanced Fluid Mechanics
  • CE 556 - Transport Processes in Porous Media/ Subsurface Hydrology
  • CE 74.21 - Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (at AIT Bangkok)
  • CE 551 - Surface Water Hydrology
  • CE 564 - Stochastic Hydrology

Courses Conducted 

  • National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)
  • "Advanced Hydraulics"     42 lectures of this video course is available in YouTube as well as through the following link http://nptel.ac.in/courses/105103021/

Short Courses Conducted

  • QIP Short Term Course on "Hydro informatics" in the month of June-2008
  • GIAN Course on "Role of Flow and Transport Processes in Designing Chemical Reactors for Groundwater Remediation" in the month of August-2018




  • ·Groundwater Hydrology
  • ·Hydrology
  • ·Water Resources Engineering
  • ·Landfill Leaching
  • ·Heap Leaching
  • ·Computational Methods
  • ·Environmental and Contaminant Hydrology
  • ·Stochastic Hydrology


1.   Sarma A.K., Singh V.P., Kartha S.A., Bhattacharjya R.K. (Editors) (2016). "Urban Hydrology, Watershed Management and Socio-Economic Aspects". Water Science and Technology Library, Vol. 73, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland (DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-40195-9)

2.   Sarma A.K., Singh V.P., Bhattacharjya R.K., Kartha S.A. (Editors) (2018), “Urban Ecology, Water Quality and Climate Change. Watershed Management and Socio-Economic Aspects”. Water Science and Technology Library, Vol. 84, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland

Peer Reviewed Journals

1.   Satish L.N.V., Banerjee A., Kartha S.A., Dutta S. (2021). "Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on River-Aquifer Exchange Flux in an Irrigation Dominated Ganga River Sub-Basin." Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier, 602, 126811  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126811

2.   Chaemiso S.E., Kartha S.A., Pingale S.M. (2021). "Effect of Land use/land Cover Changes on Surface Water Availability in the Omo-Gibe Basin, Ethiopia". Hydrological Sciences Journal, Taylor and Francis (doi:10.1080/02626667.2021.1963442)

3.   Satish L.N.V., Banerjee A., Kartha S.A., Dutta S. (2021). "Anthropogenic Influence on Monthly Groundwater Utilization in an Irrigation Dominated Ganga River Sub-Basin." Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier, 593, 125800

4.   Sarmah R., Barua G., Kartha S.A. (2020). "Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Ponded Ditch Drainage System with Temporal Boundaries". ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 25 (12). 04020052

5.   Sharma A., Swami D., Joshi N., Kartha S.A., Chandel A., Guleria A., (2020). "Study of Dynamic Concentration Gradient on Mass Transfer Coefficient: New Approach to Mobile-Immobile Modeling". ASCE Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 24 (4), 04020036

6.   Deb D., Kartha S.A. (2019). "Numerical Modeling on Transport of Toxic Metals Leached from Boragaon Landfill in Unsaturated Media". Hydrology Journal (IAH), Vol. 42 (1-4), 11-26

7.   Ghosh A., Kartha S.A., Mondal S., Dutta R. (2019). "Physical and Numerical Modeling of Non-Reactive Solute Transport in a Heterogeneous Laboratory Aquifer Model". Hydrology Journal (IAH), Vol. 42 (1-4), 27-40

8.   Biswas D., Kartha S.A. (2019). "Conceptual Modeling of Temperature Effects on Capillary Pressure in Dead-End Pores". Sadhana, Vol. 44: 117, Springer Publications (https://doi.org/10.1007/s12046-019-1108-y)

9.   Someswaran R., Kartha S.A. (2017), "Unsaturated Physical Non-Equilibrium Contaminant Transport Modeling Using Modified FEMWATER." In: Saha A., Das D., Srivastava R., Panigrahi P., Muralidhar K. (eds) Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power - Contemporary Research. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, New Delhi

10.Barman P.J., Kartha S.A., Pradhan B. (2015), "Empirical Approach to Predict Leached Nutrients from Landfill Site". Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 22, pp. 6619-6633 (doi:10.1007/s11356-014-3844-1)

11.Kartha S.A., Srivastava R. (2012). "Slow and Fast Transport in Heap Leaching of Precious Metals". Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 94, Issue 3, pp. 707-727 (doi:10.1007/s11242-012-0020-2)

12.Kartha S.A. (2011), "Non-Ideal Solute Transport Model on Heap Leaching of Oxide Copper Ores". International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 4(06 SPL), pp. 451-458 (ISSN 0974-5904)

13.Kartha S.A., Srivastava R. (2008). "Effect of Slow and Fast Moving Liquid Zones on Solute Transport in Porous Media". Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 75, pp. 227-247 (doi:10.1007/s11242-008-9219-7)

14.Kartha S.A., Srivastava R. (2008). "Effect of Immobile Water Content on Contaminant Transport in Unsaturated Zone". Journal of Hydro-environment Research, Vol. 1, Issues 3-4, pp. 206-215, (doi:10.1016/j.jher.2007.12.002)

15.Kartha S.A., Srivastava R. (2006). "Non-ideal Transport in Vadose Zone Due to Leaching from a Landfill". ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 12-20 (doi:10.1080/09715010.2006.10514845)


1.   Ghosh A., Kartha S.A. (2020), Assessment of feasibility and viability of landfill mining of open dumpsites in INDIA. In Fifth Symposium on Urban Mining and Circular Economy (virtual event), Organized by International Waste Working Group (IWWG), Padova, Italy, 18-20 November 2020

2.   Ghosh A., Kartha S.A., Mondal S., Dutta R. (2019), "Integration of physical and numerical modeling of solute transport in a laboratory aquifer model using visual MODFLOW". Proceedings of the 8th International Groundwater Conference on Sustainable Management of Soil-Water Resources, IGWC-2019, October 21-24, 2019, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India

3.   Deb D., Kartha S.A. (2019), "A study on transport of toxic metals leached from Boragaon landfill refuse by three-dimensional modeling". Proceedings of the 8th International Groundwater Conference on Sustainable Management of Soil-Water Resources, IGWC-2019, October 21-24, 2019, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India

4.   Satish L.N.V., Dutta S., Kartha S.A. (2018). "Surface Water and Groundwater Interactions in Kosi River Basin using Surface and Subsurface Hydrological Modelling". International Conference on SWAT 2018, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 10-12 January, 2018

5.   Kartha S.A., Nandmehar H. (2017), "Experimental Observation of Breakthrough Concentrations of Pb, Na, Ca, and K in Column Leaching of Refuse Soils from Boragaon Waste Dumpsite". Proceedings of IGC-2017, 14-16th December 2017, IIT Guwahati

6.   Chakraborty A., Deb D., Kartha S.A. (2017). "Study on the variation of moisture content and suction pressure in Boragaon landfill soil". Proceedings of the 7th International Groundwater Conference on Groundwater Vision 2030, IGWC-2017, 11-13th December 2017, New Delhi

7.   Deb D., Chakraborty A., Kartha S.A. (2017). "Effect of cycles of irrigation on the amount of toxic metals leached into subsurface water from Boragaon waste landfill Soil". Proceedings of the 7th International Groundwater Conference on Groundwater Vision 2030, IGWC-2017, 11-13th December 2017, New Delhi

8.   Kartha S.A., Pradhan B., Barman P.J. (2017). "Statistical Interpretation of Leaching of Zinc from Boragaon (INDIA) Landfill Refuse". Proceedings Sardinia-2017: 16th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, October 2-6, 2017, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy / © 2017 by CISA Publisher, Italy

9.   Satish L.N.V., Dutta S., Kartha S.A. (2017). "Effects of Landuse/landcover Changes on Surface Water and Groundwater Interactions in Kosi River Basin, India". International Conference of 14th Annual meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, 6-11, August, 2017

10.Biswas D., Kartha S.A. (2017). "Temperature dependence of contact angle hysteresis". Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, June 11-15, 2017. Ed. J.R. BARBOSA JR. & G.RIBATSKI. 2017. Paper PT28 (9 pages)

11.Someswaran R., Kartha S.A. (2017). "Analysis of contaminant transport in the saturated aquifer under the condition of heterogeneity and non-equilibrium mass transfer". International Conference on Modeling of Environmental and Water Resources Systems, March 24-26, 2017, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur

12.Kartha S.A., Chowdhury S.R. (2015). "Modelling of heap leaching of caliche minerals using non-equilibrium transport". Proceedings of Heap Leach Solutions 2015, September 14-16, 2015, Reno, Nevada, USA, pp. 371-383

13.Someswaran R., Kartha S.A. (2015). "Non-equilibrium reactive transport modeling of acid mine drainage in subsurface water". E-proceedings of 36th IAHR World Congress, 28-June to 03-July 2015, The Hague, Netherlands (Presented by R. Someswaran)

14.Dinesh P., Kartha S.A., Dutta S. (2014). "Steady and transient ground water modeling of alluvial plains in Bihar". International Conference on Modeling Tools for Sustainable Water Resource Management (MTSWRM, 2014), December 28-29, 2014, IIT Hyderabad

15.Nandmehar H., Kartha S.A., Deka M., Barman P.J. (2014). "Flow experimental study on heavy metal transport through landfill soil". Proceedings of National Conference on Geo-environmental issues and sustainable urban development (GEN-2014), MNNIT Allahabad October 11-12, 2014, pp. 100-103

16.Nandmehar H., Kartha S.A., Deka M., Barman P.J. (2014). "Leachate migration experimental analysis for Boragaon landfill soils, Guwahati". Proceedings of National Conference on Geo-environmental issues and sustainable urban development (GEN-2014), MNNIT Allahabad October 11-12, 2014, pp. 96-99

17.Someswaran R., Kartha S.A. (2014). "Analysis of Heterogeneity on Transport of Acid Mine Drainage". National Conference on Water and its Sustainability in Mining and Other Environment: Vision 2050 (WSME 2014), March 28-29, 2014, pp. 299-307

18.Dinesh P., Kartha S.A., Dutta S. (2014). "Groundwater Flow Modeling of Kosi Alluvial Fan in Bihar State using 3D Grid Approach". National Conference on Water and its Sustainability in Mining and Other Environment: Vision 2050 (WSME 2014), March 28-29, 2014, pp. 289-298

19.Someswaran R., Kartha S.A. (2013). "Reactive Solute Transport Modeling of Acid Mine Drainage to Unconfined Groundwater Aquifers". 40th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress (IAH 2013), Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, 15 - 20 September 2013, Perth, Australia

20.Kartha S.A. (2012). "Diffusion Processes in Heap Leaching of Precious Metals", Invited talk given in the International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Diffusive Processes and Applications (October 9-12, 2012) at Benares Hindu University, Varanasi, India

21.Barman P.J., Kartha S.A., Pradhan B. (2011). "A Study on Landfill Leaching Using Three-Dimensional Column Leach Apparatus". National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering Proceedings, IT-BHU Varanasi, pp. 112-115

22.Ganguly T., Dubey A.K., Dutta S., Kartha S.A., Kumar B. (2011). "Hydrological Trend Analysis of the Ganga Flow at Farakka Barrage". Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Management and Climate Change Adaptation. (February 2011), pp. 194-203

23.Barman P.J., Kartha S.A., Pradhan B. (2011). "Effect of Height of Contaminated Soil in Column Leaching: An Experimental Investigation". 4th International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment (IPWE2011), National University of Singapore. (January 2011)

24.Barman P.J., Kartha S.A., Pradhan B. (2010). "Landfill Leaching: An Experimental Investigation Using Column Apparatus". Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering (ICHE2010), IIT Madras. (August 2010), pp. 1255-1259

25.Kartha S.A. (2008). "Mathematical Modeling of Pollution due to Acid Leaching in Mines", Second International Congress of Environmental Research ICER-08, BITS-Pilani, Goa Campus, GOA, December 2008

26.Kartha S.A., Srivastava R. (2007). "Slow and Fast Transport in Landfill Leaching - Effect of Geomembrane", Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Tempe, Arizona, USA

27.Kartha S.A., Srivastava R. (2006). “Effect of Immobile Water Content on Contaminant Transport in Unsaturated Zone”, Proceedings of the 15th Asia-Pacific Division of International Association of Hydraulic Research (APD-IAHR). August 2006, pp.1431-1436

28.Kartha S.A., Srivastava R. (2005). “Non-ideal transport in vadose zone due to leaching from a landfill”. Proceedings of the National Conference HYDRO-2005, Indian Society of Hydraulics and SIT-Tumkur, December 2005, pp. 111-120

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