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Nipjyoti Bharadwaj

Nipjyoti Bharadwaj

Assistant Professor
PhD: University of Missouri – Columbia, USA

0361-258 3228    nbharadwaj[at]iitg.ac.in

Research Area: * Traffic safety. * Naturalistic Driving Study. * Traffic flow theory. * Econometric Modeling

Room No: ANNEX 204

PhD, Civil and Environmental Engineering: University of Missouri – Columbia, USA

MTech, Civil Engineering:  SVNIT, Surat, India

BE, Civil Engineering:  Assam Engineering College, Guwahati, India


Assistant Professor (November, 2021 – Present): Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India

NRC Post-doctoral Research Associate (September, 2020 – September, 2021): Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, FHWA, USA

Graduate Research Assistant (August, 2016 – July, 2020): University of Missouri – Columbia, USA

Project Associate (September, 2015 – July, 2016) : SVNIT, Surat, India

Undergraduate Level 

CE 101: Engineering Drawing  

CE 322 :Transportation Engineering II   

CE 323: Transportation Engineering II - Laboratory 


Graduate Level 

CE 628: Traffic Flow Modelling and Simulation

CE 626 : Economic Evaluation and Analysis of Transportation Projects



  • Traffic flow theory
  • Crash severity analysis
  • Crash frequency analysis
  • Driving behavior
  • Human factors
  • Naturalistic driving study
  • Econometric Modeling


  • 2024 Best Young Member Paper Award awarded by the TRB Standing Committee on Traffic Control Devices. 
  • NRC research associateship award from the U.S. government to conduct post-doctoral research at sponsoring federal laboratories and affiliated institutions.
  • Earned Second Place at the Central Missouri Institute of Transportation Engineers- sponsored Poster Session at Missouri’s 2017 Highway Safety and Traffic Blueprint Conference.
  • Graduate Research Assistantship, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA.
  • NEC Merit Scholarship & Book Grant (four times), Directorate of Technical Education: Assam, India.

Journal publications

  1. Therattil, J.T., Avinash, M.P. and Bharadwaj, N., 2025. Safety Analysis at Unsignalized T Intersection Using PET and Extreme Value Theorem. Transportation in Developing Economies11(1), pp.1-15.
  2. More, P.A., Therattil, J.T. and Bharadwaj, N., 2024. Work-Zone Safety Analysis: Evaluating Rear-End Crash Risk with Extreme Value Theory. Transportation Research Record, p.03611981241263820.
  3. Bharadwaj, N., Edara, P. and Sun, C., 2023. Analyzing the effect of distractions and impairments on young driver safety using naturalistic driving study data. Journal of transportation engineering, Part A: Systems149(1), p.04022115.
  4. Bharadwaj, N., Edara, P. and Sun, C., 2021. Sleep disorders and risk of traffic crashes: A naturalistic driving study analysis. Safety Science, 140, p.105295.
  5. Chang, Y., Bharadwaj, N., Edara, P. and Sun, C., 2020. Exploring Contributing Factors of Hazardous Events in Construction Zones Using Naturalistic Driving Study Data. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 5(3), pp.519-527.
  6. Bharadwaj, N., Edara, P. and Sun, C., 2019. Risk factors in work zone safety events: a naturalistic driving study analysis. Transportation research record2673(1), pp.379-387. 
  7. Bharadwaj, N., Edara, P., Sun, C., Brown, H. and Chang, Y., 2018. Traffic flow modeling of diverse work zone activities. Transportation research record2672(16), pp.23-34.
  8. Bharadwaj, N., Mathew, S., Pani, A., Arkatkar, S., Joshi, G. and Ravinder, K., 2018. Effect of traffic composition and emergency lane on capacity: a case study of intercity expressway in India. Transportation letters10(6), pp.316-332.
  9. Bharadwaj, N., Kumar, P., Arkatkar, S.S. and Joshi, G., 2018. Deriving capacity and level-of-service thresholds for intercity expressways in India. Transportation Letters, pp.1-15.
  10. Kumar, P., Bains, M.S., Bharadwaj, N., Arkatkar, S. and Joshi, G., 2018. Impact assessment of driver speed limit compliance behavior on macroscopic traffic characteristics under heterogeneous traffic environment. Transportation Letters, pp.1-12.
  11. Bharadwaj, N., Kumar, P., Mane, A.S., Arkatkar, S.S., Bhaskar, A. and Joshi, G.J., 2017. Comparative evaluation of density estimation methods on different uninterrupted roadway facilities: few case studies in India. Transportation in developing economies3(1), p.3.
  12. Bharadwaj, N., Kumar, P., Arkatkar, S., Maurya, A. and Joshi, G., 2016. Traffic data analysis using image processing technique on Delhi–Gurgaon expressway. Current Science110(5), pp.808-822.


Conference Papers 

  1. Rao, R.,Bharadwaj, N. and Maurya, A., 2024 Understanding the driver performance for lower levels of ADAS using kinematic variables. 15th International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), Mumbai, India, December 18-20.
  2. Bharadwaj, N., Edara, P. and Sun, C., 2024 Understanding the kinematics of rear end safety critical events with naturalistic driving data. 103th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., USA, January 7-11.  
  3. Therattil, J., More, P., and Bharadwaj, N., 2024 Evaluation of safety based on Extreme value approach at unsignalized T intersections in India. 103th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., USA, January 7-11.  
  4. More, P., Therattil, J., and Bharadwaj, N., 2024 Work Zone Safety Analysis: Evaluating Rear-End Crash Risk with Extreme Value Theory 103th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., USA, January 7-11.  
  5. Therattil, J., More, P., and Bharadwaj, N., 2023 Safety analysis at unsignalized T intersection using Extreme Value Theorem. 7th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG 2023), Surat, India; December 17-23.
  6. More, P., Therattil, J., and Bharadwaj, N., 2023 Rear-end crash risk analysis of merging manoeuvres in work zones using Extreme Value theory. 7th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG 2023), Surat, India; December 17-23.
  7. Bharadwaj, N., Edara, P. and Sun, C., 2021 Understanding the kinematics of rear end safety critical events with naturalistic driving data. Presented in the 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., USA, January 5-29.  
  8. Bharadwaj, N., 2020. Modeling and Evaluation of Transportation Safety Using SHRP 2 Naturalistic Driving Data. Presented in Doctoral Student Research in Transportation Safety in 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., USA, January 12-16.
  9. Bharadwaj, N., Edara, P. and Sun, C., 2019. Computing odds of crashes and near-crashes using naturalistic driving study data. Presented in 15th World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTRS), Mumbai, India, May 26-31.
  10. Bharadwaj, N., Edara, P. and Sun, C., 2019. Risk factors in work zone safety events: a naturalistic driving study analysis. Proceedings of the 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., USA, January 13-17.
  11. Chang, Y., Bharadwaj, N., Edara, P., Sun, C., 2018 Analysis and Classification of Crashes and Near-Crashes involving 16-19 year old drivers. Seventh International Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research (NDRS 2018), Blacksburg, Virginia, August 28-30.
  12. Bharadwaj, N., Edara, P., Sun, C., Brown, H. and Chang, Y., 2018. Traffic flow modeling of diverse work zone activities. Proceedings of the 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., USA, January 7-11.
  13. Bharadwaj, N., Chang, Y., Edara, P., and Brown, H., 2017. Understanding the Impacts of Work Zone Activities on Traffic Flow Characteristics. Presented in 2017 Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Ames, Iowa, August 16–17.
  14. Kumar, P., Bains, M.S., Bharadwaj, N., Arkatkar, S. and Joshi, G., 2016. Impact assessment of driver speed limit compliance behavior on macroscopic traffic characteristics under heterogeneous traffic environment. Presented in 14th World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTRS), Shanghai, China; July 10-15. 
  15. Bharadwaj, N., Arkatkar, S.S., Bhaskar, A. and Joshi, G., 2016. Expressing Traffic flow on Intercity Expressways in India: lane vs. directional traffic flow behaviour. In proceedings of 12th Conference of Transportation planning and implementation methodologies for developing countries (TPMDC), Mumbai, India.
  16. Bharadwaj, N., Kumar, P., Mane, A.S., Arkatkar, S.S., Bhaskar, A. and Joshi, G.J., 2015. Comparative evaluation of density estimation methods on different uninterrupted roadway facilities: few case studies in India. Presented in in 3rd Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG 2015), Kolkata, India; December 17-10.


Journal Publications

1. Nipjyoti Bharadwaj, Praveen Edara, Carlos Sun, "Sleep disorders and risk of traffic crashes: A naturalistic driving study analysis .", Safety Science [2021]

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Current M.Tech

  Image Name Email Project Title/Area of Research Duration
1 Himanshu Nirwan Assessing the crash risk linked to the narrow bridge using driving simulator data 2024 -
2 Pritam Prakash Shah Evaluating the Safety Implications of ADAS-Equipped Bus Drivers on Urban Routes with Diverse Land Use Characteristics: Insights from iRASTE Nagpur data 2024 -
3 Vineet Kashyap Data-driven evaluation of ADAS alerts in school bus operations in Nagpur City: An investigation using iRASTE study data 2024 -

Current Research Scholars

  Image Name Email Project Title/Area of Research Duration
1 RITESH KUMAR RAO To be decided 2022 -
2 Rohit Sahu r.sahu@iitg.ac.in Developing integrated construction and traffic management plans to mitigate congestion during flyover construction 2023 -
3 Ishita Pragya Freight Transportation 2024 -

Completed B.Tech

  Image Name Email Project Title/Area of Research Duration
2 Abhinaba Prakash Bora Data mining of road accidents for research in Transportation Engineering 2023 -2024
3 Juman Das Data mining of road accidents for research in Transportation Engineering 2023 -
4 Kunal Pal Data mining of road accidents for research in Transportation Engineering 2023 -
5 Lijangson Ingti Data mining of road accidents for research in Transportation Engineering 2023 -

Completed M.Tech

  Image Name Email Project Title/Area of Research Duration
2 MORE PRATHAMESH AVINASH Analysis of Merging Behaviour and Rear-end Crash Risk in Urban Work Zone Merging Areas 2021 -2023
3 HARSHIT ANMOL SAINI Risk Assessment of Merging Maneuvers at Narrow Bridge site: Insights from Random Effect Logistic Regression Modelling 2023 -2024
4 VIVEK RAO Deep Learning-Enabled Vehicle Detection and Traffic Analysis in Indian Mixed Urban Traffic 2023 -2024
5 SUBODH NAUTIYAL Evaluating The Effectiveness of Lower Levels of Driving Automation on Indian Traffic 2023 -2024