          Biosciences and Bioengineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

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Department of Biosciences & Bioengineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati 781039

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Dr. Venkata Dasu Veeranki, Ph.D.



Dr. Venkata Dasu Veeranki
Department of Biotechnology
Room No. 1N 207
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati 781 039, Assam, India
Tel: 91-361-258 2212 (O), 91-361-258 4212 (R)
Fax : 91-361-258 2249 (O)

Research Interests

A. Bioprocess development (upstream to downstream)
B. Metabolic Engineering
C. Bioenergy

Educational Qualifications

Ph. D. (Biochemical Engineering), Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, Chennai, India, 2000
M. Tech. (Biotechnology), Centre for Biotechnology, Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad, AP, India, 1994
Teaching/ Research Experience

31/07/2007 - Present

Associate Professor, IIT Guwahati

22/07/2004 - 30/07/2007  

Assistant Professor, IIT Guwahati

01/02/2004 - 01/07/2004  

Postdoctoral Researcher, National Food Research Institute (NFRI), Tsukuba,  Japan

21/01/2002 - 20/01/2004  

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Researcher, National Food Research Institute (NFRI), Tsukuba, Japan

01/12/2000 - 30/11/2001  

Postdoctoral Researcher, Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejon, South Korea

01/07/2000 - 31/10/2000  

Postdoctoral Researcher, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB, Deajon, South Korea

01/12/1999 - 30/06/2000

Research Trainee, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and   Biotechnology (KRIBB),  Deajon, South Korea

Research Fields: Bioprocess Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology

Awards/Fellowships received

> Talented Industrial Biotechnologist Award for 2012 by Association of Biotechnology and 
   Pharmacy, India [The award consists of a citation and Gold medal]

> JSPS (Japan Society for the promotion of Science) Fellowship (Government of Japan) to carry out
   postdoctoral research at National Food Research Institute (NFRI) Tsukuba, Japan, 2001

>  Brain Korea 21 (BK 21) Postdoctoral Fellowship (Government of Korea) at Korea Advanced 
   Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea, 2000

> Postdoctoral Fellowship (Government of Korea) at Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and
   Biotechnology (KRIBB), Republic of Korea, 1999

> Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India Fellowship for Postgraduate Industrial
   Training in Biotechnology, 1995

Courses Taught


Course Number and Title


Number of times taught


BT 302  Biochemical Engineering (3-1-0-8)




BT 320  Biochemical Engineering Laboratory  (0-0-6-6)




BT 628  Metabolic Engineering (3-0-0-6)




BT 305  Industrial Microbiology (3-0-0-6)




BT 504  Biomolecular and Cellular Process Engineering (3-0-0-6)




BT 510  Analytical Biotechnology Lab (0-0-6-6)




BT 601  Analytical Biotechnology  (3-0-0-6)




BT 602  Basic Biotechnology  (3-0-0-6)




BT 609  Bioprocess Engineering (3-0-0-6)



Selected Responsibilities held at IIT Guwahati

Aug. 2012 - present

Convener, IPRMC (Intellectual property right and management   committee) 

June 2011 - May 2012

Chairman, GATE & JAM 2012 

April 2011 - May 2012

Coordinator, Committee for Maintenance and Safety at Department of  Biotechnology

June 2010 - May 2011

Vice-chairman, GATE & JAM 2011 

May 2009 - July 2012

Member, IPRMC (Intellectual property right and management committee) 

May - June 2010

Member, Committee for revision of B. Tech./B. Des. Course Structure

July 2007 - April 2009

Coordinator, Faculty Recruitment at Department of Biotechnology

Aug. 2007 - April 2011

Member, DPPC (Departmental Post Graduate Programme   committee

July 2005 - July 2007

Secretary, DPPC (Departmental Post Graduate Programme committee)  Member, IPPC (Institute Post Graduate Programme Committee)

July 2005 - July 2007

Coordinator, Ph.D. admissions at Department of Biotechnology for sessions July 2006, Dec. 2006 and July 2007

March 2005 - May 2007

Coordinator, B. Tech. Projects (BTPs) at Department of Biotechnology

Students Guided



Name of the Student

 Year of completion/ Degree awarded

Co-Supervisors (if any)


Dr. Rachna Goswami




Dr. Kasturi Dutta




Dr. Sanjay Kumar


Dr. K. Pakshirajan


Dr. Shampa Sen


Dr. Bishnupada Mandal

5 Dr. Biswanath Mahanty 2009 Dr. K. Pakshirajan

Dr. K. Pakshirajan, Faculty at Department of Biotechnology, IIT Guwahati
Dr. Bisnupada Mandal, Faculty at Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati



Name of the Student

 Month and Year of Joining

Co-Supervisors (if any)


Ms .C. Sushma

July 2012



Ms. Madhusmita Dash

July 2012

Dr. K. Mohanty


Mr. Nitin Kumar

July 2011



Mr. Krishnamoorthy Hegde

Dec. 2010


5 Mr. Rajat Pandey July 2010 Nil

Dr. K. Mohanty, Faculty at Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati

M. Tech. Projects Guidance


Name of the Student

 On-going/ year of Completion

Co-Supervisors (if any)


Mr. Deepak Anand




Ms. Monika




Mr. Rohit Bansal




Mr. Eswar Nayak




Mr. V. Muthu Kumaran




Ms. U. Uma



B. Tech. Projects Guidance 

Number of students completed B. Tech. projects: 10

Number of students currently doing B. Tech. project. : 01 

Number of summer trainees worked: 5

Other Activities

Professional society memberships

> Society for Biotechnologists (INDIA)
Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

Invited Reviewer of journals

Bioresource Technology, Process Biochemistry, Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic,
BMC Microbiology, Biochemical Engineering Journal, AMB Express, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, Indian
Journal of Microbiology

Short-term Course Organized

Coordinator of the Quality Improvement Programme: Short Term Course on "Engineering Aspects of Enzyme and Microbial Processes", organized by Biotechnology department, IIT Guwahati, 4-8 June 2007.

Member of Organizing and Scientific Committees of Conferences   
Member of the scientific and organizing committee: National Symposium on Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology: Scope & Prospects in North East India, organized by Biotechnology department, IIT Guwahati, in cooperation with Northeast Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NEECI), Guwahati, 20 & 21 January, 2007.

Research Grants

Sl. No

Title of the Project

Funding Agency

Principal Investigator/



Bioprocess Development for the production of recombinant L-asparaginase

Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India

Co-investigator as multi Institutional Project



Process Development for the Production of Recombinant Cutinase

Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India

Principal investigator



Production of bacterial L-asparaginase: an approach for process optimization

Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India

Principal Investigator


Sequence Data Submitted


1.   GenBank JN585953: Gene sequence of L-asparaginase of P. carotovorum  
MTCC 1428. Rachna, G. and  Veeranki, V. D. 
2.   GenBank JN631810: Gene sequence of L-asparaginase I of P. carotovorum  
MTCC 1428. Rachna, G. and  Veeranki, V. D. 
3.   GenBank JN638885:  Gene sequence of L-asparaginase II of  P. carotovorum  
MTCC  1428. Rachna, G. and  Veeranki, V. D.  
4.   GenBank JN257999: Gene sequence of cutinase (cut_1) of Pseudomonas cepacia 
NRRL B 2320. Hegde, K. R., Kasturi, D. and  Veeranki, V. D. 
5.   GenBank JN258000.1: Gene sequence of cutinase (cut_2) of Pseudomonas cepacia 
NRRL B 2320. Hegde, K. R., Kasturi, D. and  Veeranki, V. D. 
6.   GenBank JN129500.1: Thermobifida fusca strain NRRL B-8184 cutinase (cut_2) gene, 
complete cds, Hegde,K.R. and Veeranki, V. D.
7.   GenBank: JN129499.1: Thermobifida fusca strain NRRL B-8184 cutinase (cut_1) gene, 
complete cds, Hegde,K. R. and Veeranki, V. D.
8.   GenBank FJ612597.1: Serratia marcescens strain SK-07 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial 
sequence. Agarwal, A., Kumar,S. and Veeranki, V. D.
9.   GenBank EU533950.1: Bacillus pseudofirmus strain SVB1 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial 
sequence.  Sen, S., Dasu Veeranki, V. and  Mandal, B.


1.  Venkata Dasu, V. and Krishnamoorthy, H. (2012): Development of Bioprocess for production of
    novel cutinase from Thermobifida fusca  in E. coli BL21 (DE3) (1416/KOL/2012)



1.  Kasturi, D. and Venkata Dasu, V. and Hegde, K. (2012): Novel cutinase from Pseudomonas cepacia NRRL B-2320: Purification, characterization and identification of cutinase encoding genes. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology (in press). 

2.  Kasturi, D. and Venkata Dasu, V. and Hegde, K. (2012): Synthesis and characterization of tomato cutin, Screening and selection of cutinase producer from Pseudomonas specie, and affect of carbon sources and inducers on the production of cutinase. Journal of pure and applied microbiology (in press).  

3.  Sanjay, K., Venkata Dasu, V. and Pakshirajan, K. (2011):  Purification and characterization of glutaminase-free L-asparaginase from Pectobacterium carotovorum MTCC 1428.  Bioresource Technology, 102: 2077-2082.  

4.  Dutta, K. and  Venkata Dasu, V. (2011): Synthesis of short chain alkyl esters using cutinase from Burkholderia cepacia NRRL B 2320. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 72:  150 - 156.  

5.  Agarwal, A., Kumar,  S. and Venkata Dasu,  V. (2011): Effect of chemical and physical parameters on the production of L-asparaginase from a newly isolated Serratia marcescens SK-07. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 52: 307-313.  

6.  Sanjay, K., Venkata Dasu, V. and Pakshirajan, K. (2011):  Assessment of Physical Process Conditions for Enhanced Production of Novel Glutaminase-Free L-Asparaginase from Pectobacterium carotovorum MTCC 1428. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 163: 327-337.  

7.  Kumar, S., Venkata Dasu, V. and Pakshirajan, K. (2011): Studies on pH and thermal stability of novel purified L-asparaginase from Pectobacterium carotovorum MTCC 1428. Microbiology, 80 (3): 349-355.  

8.  Sen, S.,  Venkata Dasu, V.,  Dutta, K.  and  Mandal, B. (2011): Characterization of a novel surfactant and organic solvent stable high-alkaline protease from new Bacillus pseudofirmus SVB1. Research Journal of Microbiology, 6 (11): 769-783. 

9.  Mahanty, B., Pakshirajan, K. and Venkata Dasu, V. (2011): Understanding the complexity and Strategic Evolution in PAHs Remediation. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 41(19): 1697-1746.  

10. Sen, S., Venkata Dasu, V. and Mandal, B. (2010): Medium development for enhanced production of alkaline protease from a newly isolated Bacillus pseudofirmus SVB1. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 5 (6): 925-931.  

11. Mahanty, B., Pakshirajan, K. and Venkata Dasu, V. (2010): Two liquid phase partitioning bioreactor system for biodegradation of pyrene: comparative evaluation and cost benefit analysis. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 85(3): 349-355.  

12. Mahanty, B., Pakshirajan, K. and Venkata Dasu, V. (2010): Batch biodegradation of PAHs in mixture by Mycobacterium frederiksbergense: analysis of main and interaction effects. Clean Technology and Environmental Policy, 12: 441-447.  

13. Sanjay, K., Venkata Dasu, V. and Pakshirajan, K. (2010): Localization and production of novel L-asparaginase from Pectobacterium carotovorum MTCC 1428. Process Biochemistry, 45 (2):  223-229.  

14. Sanjay, K., Pakshirajan, K. and Venkata Dasu, V. (2009): Development of medium for enhanced production of glutaminase- free L-asparaginase from Pectobacterium carotovorum MTCC 1428. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 84:  477-486.  

15. Sen, S., Venkata Dasu, V. and Mandal, B. (2009): Effect of physical parameters, carbon and nitrogen sources on the production of alkaline protease from a newly isolated Bacilluspseudofirmus SVB1. Annals of Microbiology, 59 (3): 531-538.  

16. Agarwal, R., Mahanty, B. and Venkata Dasu, V. (2009): Modeling growth of Cellulomonas cellulans NRRL B-4567 under substrate inhibition during cellulase Production. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, 23 (2): 213-218.  

17. Kasturi, D., Sen, S. and Venkata Dasu, V. (2009): Production, characterization and applications of microbial cutinases. Process Biochemistry, 44: 127-134. 

18. Mahanty, B., Pakshirajan, K. and Venkata Dasu, V. (2009):  Pyrene encapsulated alginate bead type for sustained release in biodegradation: preparation and characteristics. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 29 (1):  56-73.  

19. Sanjay, K., Subir, K., Pakshirajan, K. and Venkata Dasu, V. (2008): Cephalosporins Determination with a Novel Microbial Biosensor Based on Permeabilized Pseudomonas aeruginosa Whole Cells. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 151, 653-664.  

20. Mahanty, B., Pakshirajan, K. and Venkata Dasu, V. (2008): Synchronous fluorescence as a selective detection method for monitoring pyrene in biodegradation studies. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 28 (3):  213-227.

21. Gere, N., Uppaluri, R., Sen, S. and Venkata Dasu, V. (2008): Growth kinetics and production of glucose oxidase using Aspergillus niger NRRL 326. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, 22 (3): 315 - 320.

22. B. Mahanty, K. Pakshirajan, V. Venkata Dasu. (2008): Biodegradation of Pyrene by Mycobacterium frederiksbergense in a Two Phase Partitioning Bioreactor System.  Bioresource Technology, 99 (7): 2694-2698.

23. Ravi Kiran, P., Gurtej, S., Avishek, M., Venkata Dasu, V. and Goyal, A.  (2007): Dextransucrase production from Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL B-640 in batch fermentation. International Journal of Chemical Science, 5 (4): 1497-1504. 

24. Sen, S., Venkata Dasu, V. and Mandal, B. (2007): Developments in directed evolution for improving enzyme functions. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 143: 212-223. 

25. Venkata Dasu, V., Nakada, Y., Ohnishi-Kameyama, M., Kimura, K. and Itoh, Y. (2006):  Characterization and a role of Pseudomonas aeruginosa spermidine dehydrogenase in polyamine catabolism. Microbiology, 152, 2265-2272.  

26. Mahanty, B., Pakshirajan, K. and Venkata Dasu, V. (2006): Production and properties of a biosurfactant applied to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon solubilization. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 134: 129-142.  

27. Venkata Dasu, V., Panda, T. and Chidambaram, M. (2003): Determination of significant parameters for improved griseofulvin production in a batch bioreactor by Taguchi’s Method. Process Biochemistry, 38: 877-880.  

28. Muralidhar, R. V., Naidu, G. S. N., Venkata Dasu, V. and Panda, T. (2003): Statistical analysis on some critical parameters affecting the formation of protoplasts from the mycelium of Penicillium griseofulvum. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 16: 229-235.  

29. Venkata Dasu, V., Panda, T. and Chidambaram, M. (2002): Development of medium for griseofulvin production. Part I. Screening of medium constituents using Plackett-Burman experimental design. J. Microbiology and Biotechnology, 12: 355-359.  

30. Venkata Dasu, V., Panda, T. and Chidambaram, M. (2002): Development of medium for griseofulvin production. Part II. Optimization of medium constituents using central composite design. J. Microbiology and Biotechnology, 12: 360-366.  

31. Venkata Dasu, V., Muralidhar, R. V. and Panda, T. (2000): Analytical techniques for griseofulvin. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 22: 201-204.  

32. Venkata Dasu, V. and Panda, T. (2000): Optimization of microbiological parameters for enhanced griseofulvin production using response surface methodology. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 22: 45-49.  

33. Venkata Dasu, V. and Panda, T. (1999): Studies on production of griseofulvin. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 21: 489-495.  

34. Balamurugan, K., Venkata Dasu, V. and Panda, T. (1999): Propionic acid production by whole cells of Propionibacterium freudenreichii. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 20: 109-116.

35. Panda, T., Babu, P. S. R.,  Kumari, J. A., Rao, D. S., Theodore, K., Jagannadha Rao, K., Siva kesava, S., Kapat, A., Nair, S. R., Sinha, J., Srinivas, R., Lakshmi Prasanna, G., Venkata Dasu, V., Pazouki, M., Arthur Felse, A., Naidu, G. S. N., Gokul, B., Uma, S., Srividya, K., Muralidhar, R.V., Balamurugan, K. and Chandra Sekhar, K. (1997): Bioprocess optimization - A challenge. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 7: 367-372.

Articles in national Journals (01)

36. Ravi Kiran, P., Gurtej, S., Avishek, M., Venkata Dasu, V. and Arun, G. (2008): Dextransucrase
      Production in bioreactor: Effect of aeration and mathematical modeling. Journal of Applied
        Biosciences and Biotechnology,
4 (1): 9-14.

Manuscripts under review

37. Hegde, K. and Venkata Dasu, V. Studies on immobilization of novel recombinant cutinases
      from Thermobifida fusca NRRL B-8184 on chitosan beads.

38. Goswami, R. and Venkata Dasu, V. Cloning, expression, purification, characterization and
      production of novel glutaminase free recombinant L-asparaginase II of Erwinia carotovora subsp.
SCRI 1043 in E. coli BL21 (DE3

39. Kasturi, D. and Venkata Dasu, V.  Mahanty, B. Substrate inhibition growth kinetics for cutinase
     producing Pseudomonas cepacia using tomato-peel extracted cutin.

40. Goswami, R. Venkata Dasu, V. Bamnia, M. and Hegde, K. Optimization of Production Conditions
      and Effect of Process Parameters on the Performance of novel Glutaminase Free L-
      asparaginase from Erwinia aroideae NRRL B-136.

41. Kasturi, D. and Venkata Dasu, V., Hegde, K. Optimization of medium components for enhanced
      production of cutinase from Pseudomonas cepacia NRRL B 2320 and kinetic modeling.

42. Hegde, K. and Venkata Dasu, V. Cloning, expression, medium optimization and
      characterization of novel thermostable, surfactant and organic solvent tolerant recombinant
      cutinases of Thermobifida fusca sp. NRRL B-8184 in E. coli BL21 (DE3).

43. Kasturi, D. and Venkata Dasu, V. Synthesis of methyl esters by transesterification catalyzed by
      cutinase from Pseudomonas cepacia NRRL B2320.

Manuscripts under preparation

44. Rachna, G. and Venkata Dasu, V.  Development of batch and fed-batch process for the
     production of L-asparaginase II of Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica SCRI 1043 in

45. Rachna, G. and Venkata Dasu, V. Study of histidine tag on recombinant L-asparaginase II and
     enhanced production of recombinant L-asparaginase II of Pectobacterium carotovorum MTCC 1428
     in Escherichia coli. using Response Surface Methodology.

46. Rachna, G. and Venkata Dasu, V.  Cloning and expression of l-asparaginase characterization,
     pH and thermal stability of recombinant L-asparaginase II and enhanced production of
     recombinant L-asparaginase II of Pectobacterium carotovorum MTCC 1428 in batch and fed-batch
     culture of recombinant Escherichia coli.

47. Kumar, S., Venkata Dasu, V. and Pakshirajan, K. Dual substrate kinetic model for growth and L-
     asparaginase production from Pectobacterium carotovorum MTCC 1428.

48. Kumar, S., Venkata Dasu, V. and Pakshirajan, K. Batch and fed batch production of
     glutaminase free L-asparaginase from Pectobacterium carotovorum MTCC 1428.

49. Sen, S., Venkata Dasu, V., Mahanty, B. and Mandal, B. The efficiency of crude alkaline
     protease from newly isolated Bacillus pseudofirmus SVB1 in removing protein residues from
     model solid (mica) surface

50. Sen, S., Venkata Dasu, V., Mahanty, B. and Mandal, B. Potential application of alkaline
      protease from Bacillus pseudofirmus SVB1 for its antibacterial activity on pathogens and sewage
      sludge solubilization.

51. Venkata Dasu, V., S. Sen. And Rajani, K. Performance of Alkaline Protease from Bacillus
      coagulans During Protein Hydrolysis under Assay and Process Conditions.

52. Sen, S., Venkata Dasu, V., Mahanty, B. and Mandal, B. A high-alkaline protease from a new
      Bacillus pseudofirmus
SVB1: potential tool for green tanney.

53. Sen, S., Venkata Dasu, V., Mahanty, B. and Mandal, B. Potential applications of a high-alkaline
      protease from a new Bacillus pseudofirmus SVB1 in treatment of effluent from dairy and
      domestic sewage.

Contribution to academic CONFERENCES


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